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Dayspring Hath Visited Us

By Connie Giordano

What does it mean when it says in the Bible that God "visited" someone? Several times we read about how He "visited"  His people or certain individuals. This message will offer an explanation.
Perhaps, at this time, you are needing a visitation from the Lord. You may be in financial bondage...suffering physical pain and affliction...encountering marital unrest or family disturbances...confused, unsure, and fearful of what the future holds, etc.
Psalm 106:4 - Why not cry out as David did - "Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people: O visit me with Thy salvation" ?
What exactly does it mean for God to "visit" someone?
Several times in the Scriptures, we read about such an event.
For instance, in Exodus 3:16, He is said to have "visited" His people in bondage - "...I have surely visited you, and seen that which is done to you in Egypt."
Again, in Exodus 4:31, we read - "...and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that He had looked upon their affliction..." 
Also, in Ruth 1:6, the LORD is said to have "visited His people in giving them bread."

Two instances relate how He "visited" individuals -
Genesis 21:1 - "And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said..."
1 Samuel 2:21
"And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived..." 
In Psalm 8:4, David cried out - "What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?"
Then again, in Psalm 106:4, he earnestly pleaded - "...O visit me with Thy salvation."
The general meaning of "visit" is to look after, pay attention to, observe, and care for. It also means to look upon in order to know the state of help or benefit...provide for...or alleviate misery.
Hence, when the Scriptures say that God "visited" His people in Egypt, He observed them for the purpose of delivering and rescuing them from Egyptian bondage.
He looked upon the people of Bethlehem who were experiencing a grievous famine with the intention of  providing them with bread. 
He looked upon both Sarah and Hannah for the purpose of helping them to conceive and have children.
And David pleaded with the LORD to take notice of his situation with the design of bringing him help, victory, deliverance, and prosperity.
Whether he will admit it not, no man ever wants to be forgotten - especially by God.
Psalm 106:4 - Therefore he cries out from the depths of his being - "Remember me, O LORD...O visit me with Thy salvation."
In other words, he pleads - "Look upon me, O Lord. Pay attention to my goings. Observe my misery, woe, and affliction. Relieve my misery with Your deliverance, help, victory, health, and prosperity."
Luke 1:68 - It is interesting to note that Zacharias, while filled with the Holy Ghost, prophesied of God's mighty visitation to His people - "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited...His people."
God looked upon the children of Israel and saw them as sheep without a shepherd. He observed their affliction and misery and is said to have "visited" them for the sole purpose of helping them and providing for them in their need. His help was made evident through the Wonderful and Glorious Gift of His Son - the Lord Jesus - Israel's Messiah.
The nation of Israel was not the only people who were distraught and needing help from God.
Isaiah 9:2 - The Scriptures tell us of a people who "walk in darkness" and "dwell in the land of the shadow of death.'
Revelation 2:9 - Because of their bondage to sin, they are of the "synagogue of Satan" 
Revelation 2:13 - and live "where Satan dwelleth" - under his dominion and rule.
Actually, this included all of us who were once under the dominion of this Prince of Darkness, death, and sin. Like the children of Israel who were under the control of Pharaoh and in Egyptian bondage, we, too, were  burdened down with the demands of a vicious taskmaster - Satan - who afflicted us with the heavy burdens of sin. We cried and sighed by reason of our bondage.
Nonetheless, God was mindful as David declared.
Exodus 3:7-8 - Just as the Lord looked upon the children of Israel in their affliction for the purpose of delivering them from Egyptian bondage, even so did He look upon us, crying and sighing in our sin and said - "...I have surely seen the affliction...and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows. And I am come to deliver them..."
Our deliverance came in the unspeakable Gift of the Almighty - "Dayspring" - the Lord Jesus Christ.
Luke 1:78 - Zacharias, through the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit, prophesied  these most beautiful words - "...the Dayspring from on high hath visited us."  
God looked upon us in our misery and woe.
He came to relieve us and bring salvation and deliverance.
He "visited" us with His Glorious Salvation.
That Salvation came through His precious Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Dayspring" is an old term for sunrise. The darkness of sin was dispelled by God's Rising Son.
Malachi 4:2 - The darkness of Sin gave way to the "Sun of Righteousness" Who brought healing in His wings to our sin-sick soul. The Morning Light - God's Heavenly Dawn - His Aurora came to us as we sat in darkness and despair and lived under the shadow of death.
Isaiah 60:1 - This is what Isaiah saw when he prophesied - "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."
Psalm 30:5 - Our weeping and sighing endured for a night, but Joy came in the morning.
It came as God's sunrise - "Dayspring" - to declare a new beginning, a new life, and a new direction for our lives.
2 Corinthians 5:17 confirms this thought - "...old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."
Oh, how we praise God that "the Dayspring from on high hath visited us"! 
Psalm 8:4 - Like David, we are awestruck and can only humbly inquire - "What is man, that Thou art mindful of Him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him?"
Perhaps at this time you are needing a visitation from the Lord.
You may not be in bondage to any sin, but you are in financial trouble, suffering physical pain and affliction, encountering marital unrest or family disturbances, confused, unsure, and fearful of what the future holds, etc. 
Psalm 106:4 - Why not cry out like David did - "Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people: O visit me with Thy salvation."
God will look upon your situation with the main purpose of bringing help, victory, deliverance, health, and prosperity.
You can be sure of that!
Things won't always be like they are.
God's "Dayspring" - the Lord Jesus Christ - is our assurance that brighter days are ahead.
A new day is dawning.
The Best Is Yet To Come! 
Copyright 2005 by Connie Giordano


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